Johannes Fahrenfort
I am a cognitive neuroscientist in the Cognitive Psychology section at the Free University Amsterdam (Assistant Professor), and a PI in the Conscious Brain Lab (UvA/VU) together with Simon van Gaal and Timo Stein.
In the Conscious Brain Lab we use EEG, fMRI and psychophysics to investigate consciousness, with special emphasis on the contribution of decision making (confidence, metacognition), perception, attention and working memory to conscious experience. My current line of research explores the impact of perceptual bias and criterion setting on putative correlates of conscious and unconscious processing. In addition, I am developing a new research line investigating the neural mechanisms at play when people attempt to control sensations and actions that are normally deemed automatic and cognitively impenetrable (such as pain and other sensory responses). I have special expertise in EEG, for which I have developed the ADAM toolbox that implements decoding and forward modeling of EEG data.