April 2024
Johannes receives the faculty's Open Science Award
The Open Science Award of the Faculty of Behavioural and Movement Sciences was given out for developing the ADAM toolbox, a freely available software toolbox to perform multivariate analysis of EEG data. Thanks selection committee at VU Amsterdam!

March 2024
Simon was interviewed for Dutch Newspaper
Simon was interviewed by Dutch Newspaper
"Het Parool" about the relationship between stress and performance as highlighted in Lola's PNAS paper.

November 2022
Simon receives an ERC consolidator grant
We are happy to be able to consolidate our work on the neural mechanisms of consciousness! The project starts in September 2023

September 2022
Johannes receives a Templeton ARC grant
We are thankful that the Templeton Foundation funds developing a valid statistical framework for establishing unconscious cognition.
The project starts in October 2023
Animation new eLife paper!
June 2022
See here a 7 minute animation made by Josella.nl about the paper by Stijn Nuiten and colleagues, recently accepted in eLife. If you have any questions regarding the paper please contact us. If you also want to make such an animation of your work go to josella.nl!

Congratulations to Valeria!
January 20 2020
Valeria Mongelli receives her doctoral degree! Congratuations to Valeria!

ABC grant for Maartje de Jong: New CBL member!!
May 2019
Maartje de Jong receives ABC talent grant and joins the Conscious Brain Lab to perform 7T fMRI pharmacological studies on conscious perception!
Congratulations Maartje!

Congratulations to Erik!
March 25 2019
Erik received his PhD on March 25!

Congratulations to Camile!
November 28 2018
Camile Correa defended her thesis in the Agnietenkapel in Amsterdam!

ASSC 20 in Krakow!
July 2018
It was great!

Congratulations Josipa!
Josipa Alilovic received her PhD doctoral degree on July 2 2021!
Upcoming talks
by members of the lab
January 2020
Interactions between top-down expectations and conscious report
Simon van Gaal presents at UCL (hosted by Steve Fleming) and Goldsmiths (hosted by Daniel Yon)
June 2019
Subjective and objective measures in consciousness research
Johannes Fahrenfort will present at a symposium on ASSC in London Ontaria: "Bridging models of perceptual decision-making and consciousness
May 23 2019
Subjective and objective measures in consciousness research
Johannes Fahrenfort gives a talk at the psychology department of the University of Vienna on May 23 2019.
April 29 2019
Consciousness: where do we stand?
Simon van Gaal gives a talk at Utrecht University
April 18 2019
A high-level attentional bottleneck
Stijn Nuiten gives a talk at the Netherlands institute for Neuroscience (on the Amsterdam Vision Meeting)